Federal Social Security disability laws have a strict set of stipulations in place to determine who’s eligible for benefits and who isn’t.
In order to successfully receive Social Security disability benefits, you must be able to provide documentation that proves the following:
- You are unable to work because of your injuries and implied disability. If you are unable to perform any amount of substantial work due to long-term injuries you have sustained, you may be eligible to apply for Social Security disability benefits. Working and keeping a steady job is the only way to ensure a stable income and food on the table to support your loved ones. For those unable to work, the consequences can be devastating. Speak to a lawyer if you find yourself in this situation.
- Your injury or disabled condition has lasted at least a year, or is expected to last longer than that. If the injuries you have sustained have kept you out of work over a year, you may be able to plead your case for Social Security disability eligibility. If medical professionals have reviewed your condition and have documented that your injuries will continue to permit you from working, the chances of receiving benefits increases.
- You have medical and professionally documented evidence that supports your claim. If you are considering the process of filing for Social Security disability benefits, you need to have proper documentation that supports your claim. Your lawyer as well as the federal Social Security administration require it be filed, processed and submitted for review.
If you have been deemed unable to attend work because of a disability or an injury you have sustained long-term, you need to supplement your lack of financial income in some way. For those unable to work, your lost wages and slashed income can cause a devastating financial burden. When you add ever-increasing medical bills to the mix, the mountain of debt can seem impossible to surmount.
Contact a trusted Social Security disability lawyer as soon as you can. If you have any questions regarding the process of filing your claim, the team of attorneys at Earl & Earl, PLLC will answer your most pressing questions regarding the process before you and work to ensure you feel confident the entire way.
Why Do I Need a Denver Disability Lawyer to Help With My Social Security Benefits Claim?
At Earl & Earl, PLLC, we offer a free, no-obligation consultation to help assess your financial situation, and help determine if Social Security disability benefits are a potential option for you.
By connecting with a lawyer, you lessen the risk of your application being denied. When you file for Social Security disability benefits, there are many complicated steps involved and a variety of information that needs to be properly documented in order to submit a successful application.
Your attorney will help prepare these documents. The supporting documentation required to file for Social Security is by far the most important step of the process. Without properly documented medical and personal information, the federal Social Security administration cannot properly assess the validity of your case.
Your lawyer will help collect, prep and file the following documents:
- Contact information for doctors, hospitals or clinics that have your treatment records
- List of medications you take
- Previous marriage dates (if any), if your spouse is applying for benefits with you
- Your birth certificate
- Your Social Security information
- Pay stubs, W-2 Forms or federal tax return (This is your proof of income.)
- Medical records and treatment dates from clinics, hospitals, and doctors
When all of this information is properly and accurately documented, your lawyer will help send it to the federal Social Security Administration for approval or denial of your claim. When this process is overseen by an attorney, it becomes simplified and pre-screened for any errors or gaps in information.
Not all disability lawyers can help with the process of appealing denied claims. Some disability lawyers in Colorado just submit your application and pay no mind the outcome. At Earl & Earl, PLLC, we’re invested in your future financial stability and want to see your case be successful. We will help create a strong, effective letter of appeal if you need one. It’s our goal to help you and your loved ones secure financial stability in any way we can.