Simply put, insurance companies operate in search of a profit. If your claim was denied, occasionally your insurance company will say it is due to the fact that your financial hardship and losses are not as substantial as you originally reported.
In some specific cases, an insurance company will assign the fault of the accident to you by mistake. When this happens, your premium increases, so many innocent accident victims feel slighted or conned by their insurance coverage partner. It is understandable to feel that you have been wronged in this situation, as the quickly accumulating costs after a car accident can become quite the burden. It’s important to remember that anyone is eligible to speak with an insurance dispute attorney after a rejected claim. You have a right to understand what legal options you may take to resolve the rejected claim, and you have a right to be represented by a lawyer.
In some cases, your insurance company may allege that you, the accident victim, tried to avoid the accident, left the scene without exchanging information, or otherwise committed a certain act that contributed to the accident occurring.
Additionally, if you fail to report the claim to law enforcement officials as soon as you possibly can, your insurance company may question the validity of the claim. When you fail to promptly report the claim, your insurance company is inclined to assume that you were at fault in the accident, which will subsequently cause them to deny your claim.
There are still other reasons why your car accident claim may be denied by your insurance company. If you fail to pay your insurance premium one month, or for many consecutive months, your insurance coverage partner may choose to deny your claim. It’s important to make your insurance payments on time. Many companies offer a grace period after a missed payment, and send frequent reminders when a payment goes unfulfilled. Always follow up with your payments to avoid getting a claim denied.
For some car accident victims with denied claims, they simply don’t understand the extent to which they are covered. Some car accident victims file a claim with the insurance company, but are rejected because the damage from the accident is not covered in their claim. Regardless of the reason why you were rejected from your insurance company, you have every right to contact a lawyer and seek advice about how to resolve the issue.
How Does an Insurance Dispute Lawyer Help With an Accident Claim?
For many car, truck and motorcycle accident victims, the possibility exists that your accident claim can be denied by your insurance company. In some cases, the claim is not denied but is settled in court for an amount that is far less than what you deserve as a victim. If you are dissatisfied in any way with how your claim was handled, you have a right to seek a fair solution. Only a qualified insurance dispute attorney can properly handle this case. You deserve peace of mind after an accident.
If you have submitted a claim to your insurance company after an accident and you were denied payment, Earl & Earl, PLLC are happy to help. Similarly, if you were not denied payment but instead were offered a settlement that you feel is unreasonably small, please call Earl & Earl, PLLC as soon as you can to begin the process of resolving this situation.
Consulting with an insurance dispute lawyer is the most effective means of handling a denied claim that you can take. Your insurance dispute attorney will provide you with an overview of your legal options.
First, your lawyer will formally request a copy of your insurance policy. They will then designate the extent to which you are covered and assess and areas of opportunity to leverage before a judge in court.
Next, your insurance dispute attorney will draft and submit a formal letter of appeal. It’s very important that you consult with an attorney for the creation of the appeal letter. It’s important to have your policy information correct and the details of your case accurately represented. It’s best if you trust a lawyer with these fine details. The letter will clearly and professionally state why you disagree with the decision, as well as provide any support available to back up your beliefs.
Your letter of appeal can also disclose any new documentation that has surfaced since the denial of your claim, such as medical records. Your letter of appeal can also point out any irregularities or unprofessionalism, in your insurer’s behavior, for example: if one insurance representative insisted your claim would be supported and then it was denied, you should include this in your letter of appeal. An attorney will help.
After creating and submitting your formal letter of appeal, your lawyer will diligently monitor the progress of the letter of appeal. One of the main benefits of connecting with an insurance dispute lawyer is that an insurance dispute lawyer will always communicate back and forth with your insurance company whenever applicable. In some cases, you may find that you require supplemental documentation from your accident or insurance policy. Your lawyer will help source, compile, file and document all necessary paperwork in order to effectively process the dispute of your claim.